2016 SSB Raw Scores Available

The raw scores for the 2016 WPX SSB Contest are now available
online at http://cqwpx.com/raw.htm?mode=ph

The listing shows raw scores as calculated by the WPX log checking software
prior to any checking. This should give participants a good indication of
their category placement at the World, Continent, or Country level.  Score
reductions of 2% to 15% (or more) are possible, so we will have to wait for
the log checking process before final results can be announced.

Please check that your entry is in the correct category. Report any errors
or questions to director@cqwpx.com.  Do NOT resubmit your log to ‘fix’
any problems!

Thanks to everyone who submitted their log.  Don’t forget the WPX CW
Contest weekend is May 28-29, 2016.

N4TZ new Director of CQ WPX Contest

Terry Zivney, N4TZ, has agreed to take over as Director of the CQ WPX Contest effective immediately. He replaces Randy Thompson, K5ZD, who has moved over to take on the CQ WW Contest.

First licensed 1961, Terry has had numerous top five USA finishes in the SOAB low power category of CQWW, CQWPX (as KS9K), and ARRL DX contests, although he did place #1 USA high power assisted in the 2003 WPX SSB. He competed in the 2010 World Radiosport Team Championship in Russia. He has had three articles published in the National Contest Journal.

Professionally, Terry will retire in May 2013 from Ball State University as the Maxon Distinguished Professor Emeritus of Finance and Insurance. In the 1970s he worked as an electrical engineer at Scientific-Atlanta and Computer Sciences Corporation.

“As a long-time low power contester, I especially appreciate the WPX contest because its unique mix of exotic DX and plentiful domestic contacts ensures that great fun will be had by all participants regardless of the propagation conditions,” said Terry. “I look forward to harnessing the momentum this contest has developed under the leadership of K5ZD and respecting the legacy of former directors K6AW, N8BJQ, and W8IMZ.”

Contact Terry at n4tz@cqwpx.com.