Score Database now includes CW, all scores since 1995

I am pleased to announce that all scores for the CQ WPX CW/SSB contests since 1995 are now available in a searchable database on the web site.

You can easily search the results of any year/mode to view scores by any combination of continent, country, category, or call.  Scores can be sorted by score, number of QSOs/mults, call, or club name.  Options are available to display operator lists, band breakdowns, and club names.

All available expanded QRM (soapbox) information is also available (access it through the results page).

I find that after many years of doing contests, they kind of blend together in my mind.  Looking at old results or line scores often brings back a flood of memories.  Maybe I am reminded of where I operated, the conditions for the weekend, or a particularly exciting QSO or band opening.  I hope you use the database of scores to generate your own memories.

I would like to request your help…

It was a very labor intensive process to collect and format the data so it can be presented in a consistent format.  I need your help with quality control.  Please visit and type your call into the special search box.  This will provide a listing of all of your WPX CW/SSB entries in the database.  Please confirm the calls, scores, and club information is correct.  If you find any errors, let me know.  Please provide enough information that I can research/confirm the correction.

Only 21 more days until the WPX SSB contest!

When is a plaque winner not the winner?

Doug, KR2Q, posted a message to the cq-contest reflector asking about a situation that occurred in the WPX CW 2008 contest results. 

Doug writes, “TI5N wins for the world (congrats) and get the WORLD trophy. I win for USA, but since TI5N got the WORLD trophy and now I’m 2nd place in N.A., I get the NA trophy. But I didn’t win NA, I won USA. So why would I get the NA trophy? And what ELSE do I see? Because I got the N.A. trophy, N7IR, who is 2nd place USA, (an amazing feat from AZ) wins the USA trophy.

Good question and one that comes up regularly.  My response to the contest reflector below.

This is not an issue specific to the WPX Contest. I believe all CQ Contests (WW, RTTY, WPX, 160) follow this convention of only awarding one plaque per entry.

The goal of the plaque program is to motivate and provide recognition.

There are 3 “levels” of plaques (World, Continent, Country). If an entry was allowed to win multiple plaques, then one great effort from an advantaged location could take all 3 levels and leave other strong efforts unrecognized. Perhaps all the plaques should not say “Winner”, but again, that’s they way it has been done historically. The policy has been to always award an entry with the highest level plaque they were eligible for.

I am interested in hearing from the contest community if this policy should be changed (specifically for the WPX Contest).

What we have done for WPX in 2009 is change the definition of the North America plaques so that they only apply to stations outside the USA and Canada. This accomplishes two desirable results: 1) it encourages activity from North American stations outside USA/Canada, and 2) the winner of the USA or Canada for a category will always be the winner of the country plaque.

If you would like to provide feedback on this issue, please write to me at



2009 WPX Contest Awards and Sponsors

A fantastic effort in a contest deserves some extra recognition — and some attractive wall art!

We are planning a record number of plaques for both modes of the WPX Contest in 2009.  You can see a full list of plaques at  Special thanks to everyone who stepped forward to sponsor a plaque.

There are still a number of plaques that need sponsors.  These include:


  • Single Operator All Band – ZONE 3
  • Single Operator All Band – EUROPE Low Power
  • Single Operator All Band – EUROPE QRP/p
  • Single Operator All Band – ASIA
  • Single Operator All Band – CANADA High Power
  • Single Operator Single Band – WORLD 28 MHz
  • Single Operator Single Band – WORLD 21 MHz
  • Single Operator Single Band – WORLD 3.7 MHz
  • Single Operator Single Band – WORLD 1.8MHz
  • Single Operator Single Band – USA 28 MHz
  • Single Operator Single Band – USA 21 MHz
  • Single Operator Single Band – USA 14 MHz
  • Single Operator Single Band – USA 7 MHz
  • Single Operator Single Band – USA 3.7 MHz
  • Single Operator Single Band – USA 1.8MHz
  • Single Operator Assisted – USA
  • Tribander/Single Wire – EUROPE
  • Multi-Single – WORLD


  • Single Operator All Band – EUROPE Low Power
  • Single Operator All Band – EUROPE QRP/p
  • Single Operator Single Band – USA 28 MHz
  • Single Operator Single Band – USA 1.8 MHz
  • Single Operator Assisted – WORLD

The cost to sponsor a plaque is $50 USD and can be paid by Check, Credit Card, or Paypal (preferred).  Contact award manager, Doug Grant, K1DG, ( to reserve your plaque and make arrangements for payment.

Thanks again to everyone for their support of the WPX Contest.  Looking forward to another record year of log submissions and fun.