Plaque sponsors wanted

How would you feel to win world high in a major contest and not get a plaque for your wall?

I am putting the finishing touches on the CQ WPX CW results (to appear in March 2009 CQ Magazine). I notice there are a number of high profile categories that do not have plaques sponsored. If you are interested and can make arrangements with Doug, K1DG, by December 15, I can still include your plaque in the magazine results (and you can make some worthy contester very happy). Cost of donating a plaque is $50 and can be paid by Paypal. Contact Doug by email to

Some of the categories available include:

  • World QRP
  • World 21 MHz
  • World 7 MHz
  • World 1.8 MHz
  • High SOAB score in Africa
  • High SOAB score in North America
  • USA 7 MHz
  • USA 3.5 MHz
  • Multi-single USA
  • Multi-single Europe
  • Multi-two Europe
  • Multi-multi Europe

Full list at

All Time Assisted Records now Available

Thanks to the efforts of Jim Monahan, K1PX, the all time records for the Assisted category have been collected and are now posted on the web site.


It is interesting to note that the assisted category scores are below the unassisted category in most cases. I suspect this is because there are so many multipliers available in WPX that adding a few extra via packet spots is not as helpful. Even so, it is a category under the rules and deserved to have records maintained.

Thanks to Jim for doing the hard work of collecting them.   If you think there is an error or omission, please contact me at

Log submission deadlines

We are just 10 days away from the July 1 log submission deadline for the CQ WPX CW Contest. Please send your logs, in Cabrillo format, to If you have trouble with the robot, or a log that is not in the Cabrillo format, you can send it directly to me and I will help you with the process.

All logs are welcome. Even small logs are helpful for log checking purposes. And who knows? You may win a certificate for your efforts.

As we finish up typing in the last of the paper logs, we are still accepting logs for the SSB contest (to They aren’t eligible for awards, but they will help us in the log checking process.

Log check reports for the 2007 SSB and CW contests are also available. Email me ( with the call and mode and I will send you your report.

There is a new plaque for the CW contest. David Kopacz, 6Y1V, has stepped up to sponsor the SOUTH AMERICA SINGLE OPERATOR ALL BAND CW plaque.