WPX SSB 2012 Log Checking Completed

The log checking process for the 2012 CQ WPX SSB Contest is now complete. A few statistics from the log checking software.

    5,365 logs total
2,866,408 qso total
   35,204 different calls credited
      211 different countries
   34,831 ( 1.2%) qso with unique calls
   25,908 (74.4%) unique calls busted
   14,551 ( 0.5%) dupes
      595 ( 0.0%) Cabrillo format errors
2,232,220 (77.9%) qso checked against another log
2,131,826 (95.5%) qso good when checked against another log
   43,705 ( 2.0%) busted calls
   52,618 ( 2.4%) busted exchange
    8,628 ( 0.4%) not in log

The final results article will appear in the January 2013 issue of CQ Magazine.  If I can find time to get it done…

Have you ever wanted to take the keyboard and report the results of a major DX contest?  We are looking for someone to take on the magazine article for either SSB or CW or both. Please contact k5zd@cqwpx.com if you want to help!

Everyone who submitted a log should have received an email with a link to their log checking report.  If you did not receive yours please contact director@cqwpx.com.

Online Certificates Available for Overlay Categories

In response to many requests we have enhanced the online certificates to include the Overlay categories. Entrants who have entered their log in an Overlay category (Tribander/Single-Element or Rookie) will see a second link on the certificate printing page that enables them to view their certificate.

The Overlay categories group all entries into High and Low power classes for awards. The certificates for high scorers show the ranking for local area (country), continent, and world. Because of these two points, the ranking may be different for the Overlay categories than it was for the standard entry. This enhancement allows both certificates to show the correct rankings.

Online certificates are available for all entries from 2007 and later. Go to the online score database (http://www.cqwpx.com/score_db.htm) and search for your entry. Follow the [Cert] link at the right side of the score line to go to the Certificates page. Online certificates are delivered as pdf files and can be printed on any color printer or saved to disk. You will need Adobe Reader to view the files.

There were a number of changes to the underlying code to produce the Overlay certificates. Please report any errors or other feedback to director@cqwpx.com.

Thanks to Tom Morrison, K5TM, for developing the code that enables the online certificates.

CQ Changes Publication Schedule for Contest Results


(Hicksville, NY August 1, 2012) — CQ magazine will embark on a major reorganization of its editorial content in order to publish contest results significantly sooner, Editor Rich Moseson, W2VU, announced today. On average, contest results will appear four months sooner than at present. The new schedule will be phased in over the course of 2013 and will be fully in place by 2014.

“The phase-in is necessary because of new and old dates overlapping,” Moseson explained, “as well as scheduling needs for non-contest articles including our special focus issues and Dayton new product reports. As a result, some contest results will be temporarily relocated in 2013 and some specials will be rearranged as well.

“In addition, there will be two sets of CQ WPX Contest results published in 2013 — the 2012 scores in January (SSB) and February (CW), followed by the 2013 results in September (SSB) and November (CW). The CQ World Wide DX Contest results, which currently appear in the August (SSB) and September (CW) issues, will be published as of 2013 in the April and May issues, respectively. For one year only (2013), the CQ World Wide VHF Contest results will be published in CQ VHF magazine, and will return to CQ as of 2014, appearing in the January issue.”

This schedule change has been made possible by the fact that the vast majority of contest entrants submit their logs online, as well as advancements in technology for log-checking, earlier log submission deadlines announced last month and advances in publishing technology.

“For years, both participants and contest directors have been asking us to publish the results sooner,” Moseson explained, “and at last, all of the pieces have fallen into place to make it possible. The new schedule represents the minimum amount of time needed to not only collect and process the logs, but to resolve issues with problem logs and take the necessary steps to assure the ongoing integrity of our contest results.”

A complete calendar of contest results issues for 2013 and 2014 will be posted on the CQ website at < www.cq-amateur-radio.com>.

For more information, contact: Rich Moseson, Editor 516-681-2922 / w2vu@cq-amateur-radio.com