WPX Contest Survey Results #1 – Participants

The WPX is a major contest with participants from all over the world.  I was looking for a way to learn more about the participants and their interests in the contest. With Internet technology, it is very inexpensive to design and manage a survey. The responses greatly exceeded all expectations!

On August 8, 2009, the survey was sent to 9,483 email addresses exported from all submitted logs in WPX SSB and CW for 2008 and 2009.  Only 597 were rejected as being bad email addresses. There were 4,811 people who clicked on the link in the invitation email and visited the survey site. Of these, 3,415 completed the survey — an amazing 36% response rate! Even more so when you consider that most of the WPX Contest participants are from non-English speaking countries!

After the response rate slowed from the invited emails, the survey was opened up to all contesters. This generated additional responses, but did not signficantly change the results of any question.

While the numeric results were very valuable, it was the comments that made the survey worthwhile. WPX participants are passionate about the contest and how it should be managed. Of course, for every comment advocating change, there was someone else saying not to change.

The first question was designed to allow participants to declare their competitive level in the contest.

Q1. Which phrase best describes your operating in the CQ WPX Contest?
Answer Count Percent
A serious competitor trying to win 1,013 24.39%
Part time operator trying for the highest possible score 1,484 35.72%
Chasing contacts for WPX or other awards 556 13.38%
Having fun and giving points to others 938 22.58%
Other 163 3.92%
Total 4,154 100%

WPX participants are competitive!  Both at the top levels and with themselves. It is also gratifying to see so many who are enjoying the fun and helping to give out points. It will be interesting to see how the responses differ depending on the self-assigned competitive level.

Examples of the comments:

  • Part time operator trying to break a record for my call area.
  • Using as much time as possible to compete but aware of my family responsibilities
  • A semi-serious competitor trying to rank high within my contest club
  • Serious competitor chasing WPX & DXCC countries
  • Improving skills and besting last year’s score
  • Doing as well as possible considering age and equipment/antennas. Mainly to add score to a contest group.
  • Part time operator attempting to reach a predetermined goal for number of prefixes worked.
  • I enjoy working DX and I would like to make myself a better operator in contests so I have to practice and I would like to have a lot of fun.
  • Serious “little pistol” practicing my contesting skills
  • In this big contest, where to this little signals all OM give a lot of attention, it is a good chance for QRP work.
  • Part time operator seeking for new QSL cards taking this very active occasion.


 Q25. How many years have you been operating in contests?

There were 3,736 respondents who answered this question.  The average experience was 18.6 years. Contesting needs to promote the challenge and fun we enjoy to younger operators!

Answer Count Max Average
A serious competitor trying to win 893 88 21.0
Part time operator trying for the highest possible score 1381 72 17.9
Chasing contacts for WPX or other awards 482 63 16.2
Having fun and giving points to others 832 58 18.3
Other 148 55 19.1
Total 3,736 88 18.6


Next time we will start looking at the results of the rule change questions.


WPX SSB/CW Contest Survey 2009

One of the responsibilities of managing a major worldwide event such as the CQ WPX Contest is to understand the opinions and motivations of the participants. Who are they? How do they operate? What do they think about the rules? What are their ideas on how we could improve the contest?

On August 8, an invitation was sent by email to over 9000 addresses from log submissions in the 2008 and 2009 WPX SSB/CW contests. We have been very happy with the fast and enthusiastic response! 

We now want to open the survey to all contesters.  If you have not already responded to the WPX Contest Survey, go to http://wpx2009.questionpro.com and follow the instructions!  Please take the survey only one time.

The survey will close on September 10, 2009.

Thank you for your interest and support of the WPX contest. We look forward to reading all of your responses and comments.

All Bands or Single Band?

We would like to believe that all contesters are very conscientious in preparing their log submissions.  They would carefully review the header fields of their Cabrillo log and make sure everything is exactly as it should be.  Many do, but some do not.

This leaves the log checker with a dilemma.  Do we correct the possible mistakes in the header fields? Or do we allow the errors to flow into the results and then hear the complaints from the participants?  We could always point back to the log submission and show the category mistake was theirs, but this may impact the results in a category and it doesn’t create perfect results in the magazine.

In the 2009 WPX SSB contest, there were 56 stations that submitted their log in the ALL band category, yet all of their QSOs were made on a single band.  There is nothing in the rules that prevent this.  But, we have to wonder if submitting as ALL was a mistake or by intent…

We have decided that for any single operator log where all QSOs are made on a single band, we will change the category of that log to single band.  E.g., if all QSOs are made on 40 meters, we will change the log to CATEGORY-BAND: 40M. 

The logic is this.  The log meets all the requirements for being entered as single band. There is no reason that this fact should not be acknowledged in the results. Entering in the single band category often gives the score a higher place in the results (or a certificate) than when competing with the all band scores.

The logs received page will be updated as we make these changes.

If you really really want your single band log to be entered in the ALL band category, make a note in the SOAPBOX comments, or send an email to director@cqwpx.com.

Note: If you make QSOs on multiple bands you can still enter for a single band.  Include ALL of your QSOs in the log and then make sure the CATEGORY-BAND field is set to the single band you want to enter. We will only count the QSOs on the selected band for your score.