2007 CW results and 2008 rules questions

The full score listings for the CQ WPX CW Contest 2007 are now available on the site. Visit http://www.cqwpx.com/results_2007_wpx_cw_scores.htm

There have been several questions about how multi-single stations are to issue serial numbers. The magazine rules say one thing and the web site says another. The good news is that the log checking software can handle either case. Our preference (and the correct rule) is the one published on the web site. “Use a separate serial number sequence for each band.”

Skimmer is a new software application designed by VE3NEA. Using a software defined receiver, it can copy and report callsigns across up to 96khz of a band. Pretty amazing technology. It also could have a dramatic impact on the game of contesting – especially on the single operator category!

The rules define single operator as “One person performs all of the operating, logging, and, for the Assisted category only, spotting functions.” The definition of single operator assisted says “Same as [single operator] except the …[use] of DX spotting nets or other forms of DX alerting is permitted.”

The confusion occurs over the definition of DX alerting. Some people feel strongly that skimmer is providing this. Others feel that since skimmer is a piece of station equipment it does not fall into the traditional definition of assistance.

We can’t change the rules after they are published. Given the wording above, the WPX Director (me) has decided to allow the use of skimmer by single operators — only if it is contained within their stations. Use of a skimmer that is remote or connected by Internet continues to place a station in the assisted category. Multi-operator entries are unaffected.

The single operator rules will be clarified for 2009.

Good luck to everyone in the contest this weekend!

Skimmer and other things

The current single op rules do not prevent the use of a skimmer located within your own station. If you do give skimmer a try, please note it in your soapbox or send me an email with your observations on how it helped (or hurt) your score. We are seeking all input as we consider what changes, if any, need to be made to the rules in response to this new technology.

We are pleased to add two new plaques for both modes.  Helmut Mueller, DF7ZS, is sponsoring the plaques for the World Tribander/Wires category.  Paul Newbury, N4PN, is sponsoring the plaques for USA Tribander/Wires category

Dayton was very exciting for me.  I gave a presentation on Contest Ethics at the Contest University.  Judging by the response, there is a lot of interest in this topic and a desire to keep contesting fair and fun.  I also was extremely pleased to be inducted into the CQ Magazine Contest Hall of Fame. It was quite an emotional moment for me and I appreciate everyone involved in making it happen.

My first week

I have to start by thanking K6AW and N8BJQ for their hard work over the past several years (for BJQ it has been 20 years!!).  These guys are very underappreciated for all they have done.

My first week on the job has been a busy one! Have talked to all of the team members that provide their time and special talents in helping to make the contest results happen (see the contact page for a list of the WPX committee members).  K1EA has provided version after version of new log checking software — each adding some new function I requested.  K1DG is taking over the plaque program, so it is a relief to know it will be in good hands.

As I was sorting out the logs, I had reason to send a request to WX5S.  We got into a discussion and he offered to write some scripts to help dig soapbox data out of the logs.  This is the kind of help that I really appreciate.  If you want to help, let me know what you like to do and I will find a task for you.  The more we distribute the work, the easier for everyone.

My vision for the WPX Contest is to continue (and expand) its position as one of the premier international contests of the year.  Part of that effort is to build a log checking process that is repeatable and automated to the point that we can eliminate as many errors as possible.  Of course, accuracy depends on the quality of the header data in the Cabrillo files!  We can’t read your mind.  Pay extra attention to get the category and other information correct.  You can dance with the robot as many times as necessary to get it perfect.  Check the received logs page to make sure we have your log and it has the correct callsign and entry.

I have already received a lot of nice emails from people wishing me luck with the contest (and asking for help with various issues…).  You, the contest community, are our customers and we will work hard to run a good contest, insure the winners are truly the winners, and get the results and awards out as fast and accurately as possible.

I am currently on my way to the Dayton Hamvention.  Will be great to see everyone and hear their suggestions and feedback about the contest.