New CQ WPX Contest Triathlon Award

How mode-versatile are you? Announcing the new CQ WPX Contest Triathlon Award for the highest cumulative-scoring Single-Op making at least 500 QSOs in each of the three modes: RTTY, SSB and CW.

Here are the criteria:

  1. The CQ Triathlon Award is open to everyone who operates in any Single-Op category in all three CQ WPX contests: RTTY, SSB and CW.
  2. Contenders must make a minimum of 500 QSOs in each mode.
  3. Any Single-Op category may be used in each mode: Single-Op All Band or Single Band, Single-Op Assisted, and any power category. These can be different for each mode.
  4. The Single-Op can operate from any location and the location for each mode may be different.
  5. Score will be based on the total score from all three contests.
  6. Results will be included with the CQ WPX CW results.
  7. Thanks to Rudy, N2WQ, for sponsoring the plaque and encouraging this new award.

Direct any questions to

2011 WPX CW Log Checking Reports Available

The public logs and log checking reports for the 2011 CQ WPX CW Contest are now available from the web site. Everyone who submitted a log was sent an email with the encrypted URL to view their log checking report.  If you did not receive yours please send a request to

All public logs may be viewed at Note: Logs submitted as checklogs are not included in the public logs.

We received some detailed feedback from HS0ZDY and RZ3AZ about their log checking reports.  They pointed out a small error that we have corrected.  The log checking reports on the site show the updated scores.  You can view the new report on the same url as the original report.  Take a look and see if your score went up!

A few statistics from the WPX CW log checking.

        3,869 logs total
2,243,673 qso total
   16,079 different calls
      173 different countries
   17,177 ( 0.8%) qso with unique calls
   12,687 (73.9%) unique calls busted
   18,920 ( 0.8%) dupes
      222 ( 0.0%) Cabrillo format errors
1,889,251 (84.2%) qso checked against another log
1,806,812 (95.6%) qso checked good against another log
   24,589 ( 1.3%) busted calls
    2,436 ( 0.1%) busted reverse log calls
   50,497 ( 2.7%) busted exchange
    9,789 ( 0.5%) not in log

Interesting to note that 73.9% of the unique calls were determined to be copying errors. Easy to make mistakes on CW when a single dot lost in the QRN can bust a call! Even so, amazing that 95.6% of all QSOs cross checked were found to be without errors.  Contesters are great operators.

Final results for CQ WPX CW 2011 will appear in the March 2012 issue of CQ Magazine.

WPX CW 2011 Raw Claimed Scores

The raw claimed scores for the 2011 WPX CW Contest are now available online at

The page includes a search function so you can quickly locate a particular score or you can browse scores by continent and category.

The scores shown are as calculated by the WPX log checking software BEFORE checking. Remember that score reductions of 2 to 20% are possible during the checking so the final order of finish may change. Accuracy is part of the game!

Thanks to everyone who participated in the WPX CW contest and helped us achieve another all-time record for log submissions.