WPX SSB Score Database Back to 1975

The WPX Online Score Database has been extended back to 1975. Thanks to LB1G, AA4NU, W1MD, AC0DS, HK1KXA, LU8ADX, and DL8MBS for typing 1982 to 1975. That’s a lot of work!!

All CW results are included back to the beginning of the contest in 1979.

Check it out at http://www.cqwpx.com/score_db.htm

Take a moment to visit and type your call(s) in the search box. Please check our work and send an email to k5zd@cqwpx.com if you find any errors.

Who has operated the most WPX contests? K3ZO and KQ2M both have a lot of scores, but N8BJQ has even more! How many WPX contests have you entered?

WPX SSB Logs Are In

All of the WPX SSB logs have now been received and entered into the log checking process.  I am pleased to announce a record number of log submissions with 4759, an amazing increase of 672 (16%) over last year’s record. The band conditions on Saturday were excellent and that increased activity levels on 10 and 15 meters drawing many new people into the game.

I would like to recognize and thank the group of volunteers who offered their time to type in all of the paper logs that were received. There were 79 paper logs containing 11,058 QSOs. Three cheers to AE6Y, AG1C, AL1G, DF3KV, DL8MBS, ES5JR, G0SYP, HA3LN, IZ1LBG, K0HB, K0XU, K1PX, K2DSL, K3TD, K4BAI, K8IA, K8PO, KM6I, KU5B, KU7Y, N1CC, N1NK, N1XS, N5IE, N8RA, NF4A, NJ1F, NM5M, NQ7R, OH6LI, SM6LRR, UA4FER, VK4TI, W1GD, W1KM, W2JU, W4AU, W6VMS, W8AEF, WY0B, and ZP9EH. Wow!  With so many people involved, no one had to do too much work.  Champion typers in terms of QSOs entered were UA4FER (299), K2DSL (353), DL8MBS (407), N1XS (425), W2JU (532) and K8IA (626). Why do we do take paper logs?  Because we want to give everyone a chance to enter the contest and see their fully checked score in the results.

One of the most popular aspects of the WPX Contests are the Overlay Categories.  I am particularly interested in the Rookie category, which is limited to operators who have been licensed for 3 years or less at the time of the contest. After a long afternoon validating operator license dates, I was very pleased to see that we had 167 Rookie entries in WPX SSB. They included a wide range of ages including both 9 year old boys and girls. Visit the logs received page and look for Rookie in the Overlay column to see if your log was accepted for the category. If you see someone who has been licensed less than 3 years and submitted a log, please let me know and we can still add them into the results!

From here the log checking turns toward certifying the correct order of finish in each category. We will be using many of the same tools and techniques used by the CQ WW Committee in their investigation of single operator entries that did not specify use of the DX Cluster (spotting). If you want to revise your category and avoid possible Yellow or Red cards, please let me know immediately!  Once the checking begins, there will be no leniency. If you are contacted to confirm your category or power level, please answer promptly and honestly.  It will help make the game of contesting better for everyone.

New Plaques for Africa Multi-Ops

I am pleased to announce 4 new plaques for Multi-Operator entries from the continent of Africa. The plaques for top MULTI-ONE on SSB and on CW from Africa are sponsored by the Rhein Ruhr DX Association.  The plaques for top Africa scores in MULTI-TWO for each mode are sponsored by Walter Skudlarek, DJ6QT. These plaques will be awarded for both SSB and CW of the 2010 contest!

RRDXA and DJ6QT are both long time supporters of the WPX Contest.  RRDXA often has one of the top scores in the club competition. DJ6QT has been active in the WPX Contest on both modes for many years. Our thanks to both of them for their donation of these plaques to encourage more activity from Africa.

Anyone interested in sponsoring a plaque for the WPX contest is invited to contact Doug Grant, K1DG, at k1dg@cqwpx.com. A complete list of awards can be seen at http://www.cqwpx.com/plaques.htm.