WPX SSB is Now!

 The CQ WPX SSB Contest starts in less than 36 hours.

  • What single band or multi-band record will CN2R set this year?
  • Will 8P1A repeat as single operator all band champion for the fourth year in a row?
  • What new world and continental records will be set?
  • Who will have the most accurate log?
  • Who will break the 1000 prefix mark?
  • Will Earth Hour (www.earthhour.org) impact the contest activity?
  • Will you be one of the more than 1000 certificate winners?

If you have any time to play radio this weekend, please get on and make some contacts in the contest. With prefixes as multipliers, almost anyone can enjoy the fun of being hunted, or find lots of mults to build your own score.

When the contest is over, please submit your log to ssb@cqwpx.com. Our goal is to receive more than 4000 logs this year (see http://www.cqwpx.com/stats.htm).

Want something fun to help keep motivated? Compete against history!
Go to http://www.cqwpx.com/scoresph.htm?yr=ALL&mode=SSB and then enter your level and category of competition. For example, Germany – Single Operator Low Power. This will list all of the scores from the past 15 years for that category. Display the last pages. As you operate the contest, make the next score on the list your goal. Pass as many of your historical competitors as you can.

Full WPX rules at http://www.cqwpx.com/rules.htm. (Contest is 48 hours starting at 0000z on March 28. Exchange is signal report and QSO number.)

Rules FAQ at http://www.cqwpx.com/rules_faq.htm.

Let’s all hope the sun gives us some fun conditions!

WPX certificates? Let me count the ways…

Someone asked how many different categories offer the opportunity to win a certificate in the WPX Contest.  The answer is 64!

That’s 64 for each and every DXCC/WAE country, US call area, Canadian province, JA call area, VK call area, and EA call area! The following categories are available:

  • Single Op All Band High Power
  • Single Op All Band Low Power
  • Single Op All Band QRP
  • Single Op Assisted All Band High Power
  • Single Op Assisted All Band Low Power
  • Single Op Single Band 10 Meters High Power
  • Single Op Single Band 10 Meters Low Power
  • Single Op Single Band 10 Meters QRP
  • Single Op Assisted Single Band 10 Meters High Power
  • Single Op Assisted Single Band 10 Meters Low Power
  • Single Op Single Band 15 Meters High Power
  • Single Op Single Band 15 Meters Low Power
  • Single Op Single Band 15 Meters QRP
  • Single Op Assisted Single Band 15 Meters High Power
  • Single Op Assisted Single Band 15 Meters Low Power
  • Single Op Single Band 20 Meters High Power
  • Single Op Single Band 20 Meters LowPower
  • Single Op Single Band 20 Meters QRP
  • Single Op Assisted Single Band 20 Meters High Power
  • Single Op Assisted Single Band 20 Meters Low Power
  • Single Op Single Band 40 Meters High Power
  • Single Op Single Band 40 Meters LowPower
  • Single Op Single Band 40 Meters QRP
  • Single Op Assisted Single Band 40 Meters High Power
  • Single Op Assisted Single Band 40 Meters Low Power
  • Single Op Single Band 80 Meters High Power
  • Single Op Single Band 80 Meters LowPower
  • Single Op Single Band 80 Meters QRP
  • Single Op Assisted Single Band 80 Meters High Power
  • Single Op Assisted Single Band 80 Meters Low Power
  • Single Op Single Band 160 Meters High Power
  • Single Op Single Band 160 Meters LowPower
  • Single Op Single Band 160 Meters QRP
  • Single Op Assisted Single Band 160 Meters High Power
  • Single Op Assisted Single Band 160 Meters Low Power
  • Multi-Single
  • Multi-Two
  • Multi-Multi

The 48 listed above do not include the Rookie and Tribander/Wires categories, which add another 28 to reach the total of 64. Wow!

The 2008 WPX Contest awarded 2,442 certificates to participants (1260 on SSB and 1182 on CW).  The rules do require a minimum operating time in order to be eligible for a certificate, but we try to reward as many stations as we can.  Send in your log — you may be a winner!

Special thanks to Barry, W5GN, for organizing the printing and mailing of the certificates.  If you received one, send him a thank you note via w5gn@cqwpx.com!

SSB Certificates and CW Results

All certificates for the WPX SSB Contest 2008 are now in the mail.  Thanks to Barry, W5GN, and his helpers for making this happen.  Doug, K1DG, reports the plaque order is at the engraver so those should be going out soon.

The March issue of CQ Magazine containing the CW results is out.  Look for that in your mailbox over the coming week.  The writeup and scores take up 15 pages of the magazine!