Over 2000 logs received in first 72 hours

Just 72 hours after the end of the contest and we have already passed the 2000 logs received mark! Half way to our goal.

Thanks to everyone who enjoyed the contest. Please send in your log – no matter how small. Every log received helps improve the overall log checking.

Send logs in Cabrillo format to ssb@cqwpx.com

If you have problem with the Robot or need help converting your log to the proper format, please write to me and I will help you through the process.

WPX SSB is Now!

 The CQ WPX SSB Contest starts in less than 36 hours.

  • What single band or multi-band record will CN2R set this year?
  • Will 8P1A repeat as single operator all band champion for the fourth year in a row?
  • What new world and continental records will be set?
  • Who will have the most accurate log?
  • Who will break the 1000 prefix mark?
  • Will Earth Hour (www.earthhour.org) impact the contest activity?
  • Will you be one of the more than 1000 certificate winners?

If you have any time to play radio this weekend, please get on and make some contacts in the contest. With prefixes as multipliers, almost anyone can enjoy the fun of being hunted, or find lots of mults to build your own score.

When the contest is over, please submit your log to ssb@cqwpx.com. Our goal is to receive more than 4000 logs this year (see http://www.cqwpx.com/stats.htm).

Want something fun to help keep motivated? Compete against history!
Go to http://www.cqwpx.com/scoresph.htm?yr=ALL&mode=SSB and then enter your level and category of competition. For example, Germany – Single Operator Low Power. This will list all of the scores from the past 15 years for that category. Display the last pages. As you operate the contest, make the next score on the list your goal. Pass as many of your historical competitors as you can.

Full WPX rules at http://www.cqwpx.com/rules.htm. (Contest is 48 hours starting at 0000z on March 28. Exchange is signal report and QSO number.)

Rules FAQ at http://www.cqwpx.com/rules_faq.htm.

Let’s all hope the sun gives us some fun conditions!

2008 CW Results now Online

I am pleased to announce that the 2008 CQ WPX CW Contest results are now available online at http://www.cqwpx.com/results.htm.

You will find a pdf version of the magazine writeup and score listings, the complete soapbox listings, photos, and the searchable results database. A complete breakdown of club scores is also being made available.

All certificates are in the mail.  The plaques are in the final production process.  I have to recognize W5GN and K1DG for helping to get these out so quickly.

Thanks to everyone who participated in the WPX CW Contest last year.  We hope to see you again in 2009!