WPX certificates? Let me count the ways…

Someone asked how many different categories offer the opportunity to win a certificate in the WPX Contest.  The answer is 64!

That’s 64 for each and every DXCC/WAE country, US call area, Canadian province, JA call area, VK call area, and EA call area! The following categories are available:

  • Single Op All Band High Power
  • Single Op All Band Low Power
  • Single Op All Band QRP
  • Single Op Assisted All Band High Power
  • Single Op Assisted All Band Low Power
  • Single Op Single Band 10 Meters High Power
  • Single Op Single Band 10 Meters Low Power
  • Single Op Single Band 10 Meters QRP
  • Single Op Assisted Single Band 10 Meters High Power
  • Single Op Assisted Single Band 10 Meters Low Power
  • Single Op Single Band 15 Meters High Power
  • Single Op Single Band 15 Meters Low Power
  • Single Op Single Band 15 Meters QRP
  • Single Op Assisted Single Band 15 Meters High Power
  • Single Op Assisted Single Band 15 Meters Low Power
  • Single Op Single Band 20 Meters High Power
  • Single Op Single Band 20 Meters LowPower
  • Single Op Single Band 20 Meters QRP
  • Single Op Assisted Single Band 20 Meters High Power
  • Single Op Assisted Single Band 20 Meters Low Power
  • Single Op Single Band 40 Meters High Power
  • Single Op Single Band 40 Meters LowPower
  • Single Op Single Band 40 Meters QRP
  • Single Op Assisted Single Band 40 Meters High Power
  • Single Op Assisted Single Band 40 Meters Low Power
  • Single Op Single Band 80 Meters High Power
  • Single Op Single Band 80 Meters LowPower
  • Single Op Single Band 80 Meters QRP
  • Single Op Assisted Single Band 80 Meters High Power
  • Single Op Assisted Single Band 80 Meters Low Power
  • Single Op Single Band 160 Meters High Power
  • Single Op Single Band 160 Meters LowPower
  • Single Op Single Band 160 Meters QRP
  • Single Op Assisted Single Band 160 Meters High Power
  • Single Op Assisted Single Band 160 Meters Low Power
  • Multi-Single
  • Multi-Two
  • Multi-Multi

The 48 listed above do not include the Rookie and Tribander/Wires categories, which add another 28 to reach the total of 64. Wow!

The 2008 WPX Contest awarded 2,442 certificates to participants (1260 on SSB and 1182 on CW).  The rules do require a minimum operating time in order to be eligible for a certificate, but we try to reward as many stations as we can.  Send in your log — you may be a winner!

Special thanks to Barry, W5GN, for organizing the printing and mailing of the certificates.  If you received one, send him a thank you note via w5gn@cqwpx.com!


Contest rules provide a framework for the event.  They try to be simple, direct, and fit within a limited page space in the magazine.  Rules are always changing and what may seem clear to the writer, isn’t always read the same way by others. This creates questions or inconsistency in how participants operate.

To help everyone understand how the WPX committee interprets the rules, we have added a WPX Rules FAQ page to the site.  Visit http://www.cqwpx.com/rules_faq.htm.

We urge all participants to read the rules and the FAQs prior to the contest.  This will help prevent any disappointment later due to misunderstanding or not taking full advantage of what the rules permit.

If you have any questions about the rules for the WPX SSB/CW contests, please contact me at k5zd@cqwpx.com.

Score Database now includes CW, all scores since 1995

I am pleased to announce that all scores for the CQ WPX CW/SSB contests since 1995 are now available in a searchable database on the www.cqwpx.com web site.

You can easily search the results of any year/mode to view scores by any combination of continent, country, category, or call.  Scores can be sorted by score, number of QSOs/mults, call, or club name.  Options are available to display operator lists, band breakdowns, and club names.

All available expanded QRM (soapbox) information is also available (access it through the results page).

I find that after many years of doing contests, they kind of blend together in my mind.  Looking at old results or line scores often brings back a flood of memories.  Maybe I am reminded of where I operated, the conditions for the weekend, or a particularly exciting QSO or band opening.  I hope you use the database of scores to generate your own memories.

I would like to request your help…

It was a very labor intensive process to collect and format the data so it can be presented in a consistent format.  I need your help with quality control.  Please visit http://www.cqwpx.com/score_db.htm and type your call into the special search box.  This will provide a listing of all of your WPX CW/SSB entries in the database.  Please confirm the calls, scores, and club information is correct.  If you find any errors, let me know.  Please provide enough information that I can research/confirm the correction.

Only 21 more days until the WPX SSB contest!