Joseph “Bud” Trench, AA3B, Named WPX Contest Director

(Hicksville, NY April 13, 2020) – Joseph W. “Bud” Trench, AA3B, of Boyertown, Pennsylvania, has been named Director of the CQ WPX SSB and CW Contests, CQ Editor Rich Moseson, W2VU, announced today. He succeeds Randy Thompson, K5ZD, who has been serving as Interim Director.

Bud Trench AA3B
Bud Trench AA3B

Bud is an officer of the Frankford Radio Club and Pennsylvania QSO Party Association, and a member of the First Class CW Operators’ Club, CW Operators’ Club, Activity Group CW – DL, CWJF Group, A-1 Operator Club and ARRL.

Professionally, Bud is retired from a career at Lockheed Martin, where his responsibilities included leading large organizations developing complex hardware and software systems for the US Government.  

“I am honored to be trusted with leadership responsibilities for the CQ WW WPX SSB and CW contests,” said Trench, “and I look forward to serving all stakeholders to ensure the continued robustness of these premiere operating events.”

Interim WPX Contest Director Randy Thompson, K5ZD, said, “I, and the contest community, appreciate Bud stepping forward to take on the responsibility of managing the CQ WPX Contest. Bud is an extremely prolific contester who is active on all modes. He will bring a fresh perspective to the contest.” 

Bud is jumping in with both feet, starting immediately to work with Randy on processing the results of last month’s WPX SSB weekend, and taking the reins for next month’s CW weekend.


SSB 2020 Raw Scores now Online

The raw scores for the 2020 WPX SSB Contest are now available online at

The listing shows raw scores as calculated by the WPX log checking software prior to any checking. This should give participants a good indication of their category placement at the World, Continent, or Country level.  Score reductions of 2% to 15% (or more) are possible, so we will have to wait for the log checking process before final results can be announced.

Please check that your entry is in the correct category. Report any errors or questions to  Do NOT resubmit your log to ‘fix’ any problems!

We had a record number of log submissions with 7,450 received to date. Thanks to everyone who submitted their log.